When Father Doesn't Know Best /
Chickenless Eggs / Meatless IPO / Blockchain Transforming Supply Chain / Password Managers / Bad Ass eCommerce
When Father Doesn't Know Best
It was a well-established, family-owned business, with the father ready to retire and his son prepared to take over the reins. The business, with $200 million in revenue, had been using a home-grown system and doing very well. But the son was campaigning for the purchase of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that would cost $2 million. The father said it was a waste of money. Who was right?
Well, that all depends. Do you want to Maintain, Grow, or Transform the business?
Read more here about how to determine whether your company is ready to start an ERP project.
Read more here about the challenges of implementing 21st century technology for 20th century managers and how RJMC navigates companies toward success.
As always, your thoughts and comments are both welcome and strongly encouraged. Just CLICK HERE.
Recent Stories of Note

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Blockchain Transforming Supply Chain Managing supply chains for creating and distributing goods is complex and can span over hundreds of stages, multiple geographical locations, a multitude of invoices and payments, and extend over months of time. Blockchain might transform the complexity and lack of transparency of the supply chain and logistics industry. Read More Forbes

The Best Password Managers for 2019 Ditch the sticky notes and get peace of mind. Choose a password manager to secure your digital life. Chaos is the best description of your passwords and complex passwords are difficult to remember. Here is a list of password managers to keep all your passwords under one encrypted (and password-protected) roof. Read more CNET
RJMC Case Study
Extension Cord Company
RJMC knows cords and cables!
Bad http://www.badassextensioncords.comAss Extension Cords is a manufacturer and distributor of Industrial electrical cords and cables. Sales were fabulous by phone and now are stunning via eCommerce! RJMC lead Bad Ass through defining the eCommerce needs, selecting the eCommerce solution provider, and managing the project through to success. including expanding the social media channels.
RJMC is proud to work with this group since 2007 across many systems and operations improvement projects where each achieved project goals on-time, within budget, and with the results exceeding expectations. See More .
Upcoming Conferences
Future Trends & Innovation Conference
"Trend Hunter's Future Festival is specifically designed to be the world's best innovation conference — a place for the world's top innovators to prototype their future. 97% rate it the best innovation conference ever with a stunning 85% rating it the best business event in all categories. You'll experience next year's trends from the #1 trend firm, while prototyping 5 - 10 disruptive ideas using the same award-winning innovation workshops we've used to help NASA prototype the journey to Mars."
Rubenstein / Justman Management Consultants (RJMC) provides Project Management for mission-critical projects in Information Technology and Operations Improvement for middle-market firms focusing on ERP solutions supporting Systems Assessments, Technology Roadmaps, Systems Selection, Implementation, and Operational excellence. As the Project Manager, we guide companies to transform operations and team cohesiveness to achieve relevant and measurable results.
We Get Projects Done!
GARY@RJMC.NET | 310-445-5300 | WWW.RJMC.NET