1 min read
Don’t Yield to the Pressure – Get in the Driver’s Seat for your ERP Selection
Salespeople are pushy. Do you know what you are buying when selecting ERP systems? Don’t be influenced by vendors who are trying to...

4 min read
4 Signs that you are Running on DiNOWare!
Now Serving DiNOWare! "This one's for the team!" Brendan, the CFO for SugarFreePop, a health-conscious drink company, popped the cork of...

4 min read
Hitting a Home Run with DATA!
Hitting a Home Run with DATA! Casey was the CFO for the HitEmHard Sporting Goods company. Bats, Balls, and Gloves were their business....

5 min read
The Influence that Demand-Planning has on Supply-Planning “We have a backlog on the orders again, Melissa.” Carol, the Head of...

5 min read
I Love My ERP, I Love My ERP NOT!
“I love you, I love you not. I love you, I love you not. I love you, I love you not.” Jon came home to his daughter playing with daisies in

5 min read
Groundhog ERP Day!
ERP Project happening Again, and again, and again.... A Pennsylvania Dutch superstition - if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this...

4 min read
You Don't Know Jack!
You Don't Know Jack! "So, as I was saying,"Jackpot, the CEO, blathered on in the management meeting, causing everyone to struggle with...

5 min read
Your Chart of Accounts - If Dick Can Do It, So Can You!
If Dick Can Do It, So Can You! “Geez, how’d you do that?” asked Sally, the accounting assistant. Sally would spend hours retyping the...

6 min read
But talking new systems was talking big bucks. Casey asked Jules into her office so he could set the record straight. A Gap Analysis was...

4 min read
Living on the EDGE!
Paddy O’Brien, the ERP Manager, was having a frustrating day at LIVING ON THE EDGE STORES, a chain of retail stores that specializes in sell

6 min read
It Takes Effort to Move the Dial
Change Your ERP, Change Your World! “I have tried for YEARS to get the CEO to agree to upgrade our ERP!” lamented the CFO to a systems...

4 min read
ERP Eeny Meeny Miny Mo!
“We need to find the perfect project manager,”

5 min read
Glitches, Miscounts, and the Prize
“I am gonna win this one!” boasted Sam, the number one salesman at BonnieBlue BarBell, affectionately known as B4, a robust sports equipment

5 min read
How to Avoid Cost Overruns on your ERP Project!
“But you told me that putting in the new ERP would cost $900K!” exclaimed George, the CEO. He was known for his generosity to the staff whil

4 min read
Sales UP but Systems DOWN
“I can’t get enough of these chips!” laughed Brenda, the CFO at Bites. She was passing around the yummy snacks that her company produced

4 min read
He realized that there was a lot of discussion every time they went to purchase SKUs to put on the shelves.

5 min read
Groundhog ERP Day!
“What? Are we going down that path again?” Mr. Badger, the Chief Operations Officer, asked in amusement. “Haven’t we tried this same project

4 min read
Is Your Company Growing Like Crazy?
“How is it possible to be carrying so much inventory and still be falling short on shipments to key customers?” Ferdinand asked. As the CFO

4 min read
Is This How You Manage Your Systems Projects?
“Are we going to ship on time this year?” bellowed Carrie, the COO of HallowTreats, the maker of Pumpkween. The favorite orange candy shaped

5 min read
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing!
“I know, let’s ask Mikey” suggested Philip, the Director of Marketing of InTheOven, a growing Countertop Smart Oven manufacturer

4 min read
3 Steps to Doing it Right and Getting Your Software Up and Running
“Why aren’t we using the Warehouse Management System? Every report I get is a spreadsheet!” boomed Chip, the COO of GoingNuts!, a fabulous b

3 min read
A Tribute to American Achievement!
Since 1894, the first Monday in September has been dedicated to honoring and paying tribute to the great economic and social achievements of

4 min read
Channel Your Sales Data with Business Intelligence!
“How are sales in Amazon doing this quarter compared to last quarter?” asked Charlene, the CEO of DRAW-ON, a manufacturer and distributor of

2 min read
ERP is Easy as 1-2-3!
"You’re going to select the ERP this month?” asked the CEO of BetterThanBoxes.
“Yes” said Isabelle, the CFO. “I have a simple way of m

4 min read
Best System Improvements to Beat COVID-19
"Maybe we need to close our doors, at least temporarily, until we can get a handle on operations."
Emma, the CEO of AlphaBetaGumm

3 min read
The Need for Speed
"We need it now!" bellowed the CEO of The Fifth Meal Co, referring to an alternate supplier for the key ingredient in their popula

3 min read
Warehouse Management Off the Skids
Jim, the COO of OffTheShelf Co, distributors for kitchenware, was whistling a happy tune as he walked through the warehouse. The shelves wer

3 min read
Can Millions of QuickBooks Customers be Wrong?
“When it was just me and five other employees, I knew what was what.”
The CEO of a high-end cosmetics company recently told me. “Now I spend

3 min read
Don't Pay Anyone...with a Check
“Hi Gene, can we talk?” asked Sandy, the CFO over the telephone. She sounded very anxious.
“Sure,” said Gene, the Chief Information Offi

3 min read
Plan On!
The inward-bound inquiries into Run&JumpCo, a mid-market sports equipment manufacturer had slowed to a trickle during the current situat

3 min read
Turn Your Cash Flow Up!
Sales were, incredibly, up – over 200% over last month and this couldn’t have been predicted because the world had gone crazy with the dista

2 min read
Now is a perfect time to connect with people. We all find ourselves in unusual working circumstances – working from home or working in empti

3 min read
Supercharge Your Business From Home!
Roger, the CEO of Super☼Charge Batteries, was determined. He knew he had to send everyone home, at least through the end of the month, in co

3 min read
My Key Employee Just Left - Now What?
"Oh, darn it! How could this happen again? Now we’re going to need a new VP of Operations,” Max, the CEO of Bark! told his Director of

3 min read
It's Time. Get in the Cloud Now!
It's Time. Get in the Cloud Now! "Not now," Kelly, the CIO of PetJoy, told the new programmer analyst sitting next to her at the pet...

2 min read
It's over. Your ERP no longer loves you.
Is the attraction to your existing Enterprise Resource System (ERP) fading? Are you starting to notice those pop-up ads for the Cloud in you

3 min read
Are You Ready?
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and for a start-up company like FlowerPower.com, this would be make-or-break. Since the eCommerce

4 min read
Sell More / Stock Less
Inventory for OJus’s natural juice was stacked to the roof in the warehouse. There was no space left for any more fruit, empty bottles, or p

4 min read
Is This Mess Your IT Plan for 2020?
Michelle, the CFO of OJus, a natural juice company, had grave concerns. In the company's lunchroom, packed during this first week of the

4 min read
The Gift That Gives Back
"What did you do with the gift cards?" The manager of the Comfy Coffee Slurp Shop chain asked the new barista, an eager young man

4 min read
Are You Stuffed?
As the extended family gathered for Thanksgiving dinner, Howard, CEO of a growing $20 million cosmetics distributor, already felt satisfied

3 min read
5 Steps to Rock Your System Implementation!
"I think we need ERP. You know, a new Enterprise Resource Planning system, " the new CEO said.

2 min read
The Ghouls of ERP
‘Twas the night of Halloween when all through the office, Not a system was blinking not even a “mouse.” The power was on, all ready to go ..

3 min read
It's All About the Data!
“How many orders did you close today?” the Chief Sales Officer asked the head of the call center.
The head of the call center took a deep br

4 min read
Know Your Customer! Using a CRM
“Who are you going to meet with this week?” The District Sales Manager of the flower distributor was in a grumpy mood as she met with her ke

3 min read
Grow Your Sales Velocity
“You missed your quarter-end goal by over 14%!” The CEO of the protein bar company pointed out to the Chief Sales Officer with an edge in hi

3 min read
5 Ways to Ensure Success
A good Project Leader goes the extra mile to create familiarity with the vision of the future. The process helps the Team to make great rec

3 min read
Great Expectations for Edgy Solutions
“I need an explanation,” the CFO of a tomato sauce manufacturer told me. “I bought the latest and greatest Enterprise Resource Planning syst

3 min read
Throw Out Your Organization Chart!
Throw Out Your Organization Chart! “Do we have someone in the building who knows how to speak Portugese? Or what about Korean?” asked...

3 min read
Highlights and Happenings in your Technology Backyard and Interesting News for your Consideration Wednesday, July 10, 2019 It's All About...