Can Millions of QuickBooks Customers be Wrong? /
Pay with your Body / Hybrid Cloud /
Mars-Israel Food Tech / Brain to Ear / Whole Foods Bitcoin / eCommerce Ad Spend / More than ERP

“When it was just me and five other employees, I knew what was what.” the CEO of a high-end cosmetics company recently told me. “Now I spend most of my time trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s frustrating.”
Alert: QuickBooks is Not ERP!
Circumstances had changed a great deal for her since the inception of the company. Instead of five employees, there were now forty. Instead of a handful of boutique cosmetic products, her company was now selling close to a hundred. In addition, she was planning to expand sales into other countries.
Her problem was that she was using a tool that had been the right one when she’d first started, but it was no longer doing the job. QuickBooks and other Tier 1 accounting solutions have their limitations – and these become abundantly apparent when companies transform and grow.
Has your business outgrown the capabilities of QuickBooks and are you ready for ERP?
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More than ERP
RJMC project management ensures that you select and implement the “RIGHT” ERP solution for your business, including selecting 3rd-Party solutions, beyond your core ERP, to address more complex needs such as:
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RJMC assists companies to identify the right eCommerce and digital media partners that can support eCommerce growth using effective Advertising and Social Media campaigns and measuring the results of every dollar spent.
Rubenstein / Justman Management Consultants (RJMC) provides a team approach to Project Management for mission-critical projects in Information Technology and Operations Improvement for middle-market firms focusing on ERP solutions supporting Systems Assessments, Technology Roadmaps, Systems Selection, Implementation, and Operational excellence. As the Project Manager, we guide companies to transform operations and team cohesiveness to achieve relevant and measurable results.
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