We are experts in Project Management - We Get Projects Done!
Every company is seeking Operations Improvement every day.
New systems implementation is an opportunity to bring the Project Team together to identify Operational Improvements for the benefit of growing the company.
Although systems will improve access to data, the way the company collects and uses data is critical to the business. Some operational changes are driven by business growth and a need for more timely decision making. Some by competitive pressures, regulatory requirements, supplier demands.
RJMC can identify when a system change can accomplish the result or where procedural and operational change is the driver.
Areas for improvements are endless. A few that are most frequently needed are::
Reporting - accessing data from the system so that users can drive reports without relying on IT staff
Business Intelligence - diving into data to provide management with information that supports new views on the company performance.
Dashboards - designing views for management to get timely snapshots of sales, customers, inventory, and other key performance indicators.
Customer Relationship Management - Enhancing the company's ability to manage sales relations and the pipeline.
eCommerce - Using the best tools to manage on-line sales.
Demand Planning - Focusing sales on forecasts and anticipating future sales (to support marketing and production and inventory management).
Trade Promotion Management - Focusing marketing on forecasting future campaigns and spending and aligning action to results.
Warehouse Management Systems - Using best practices to optimize warehouse and logistics.
Human Capital Management - From training through expense reimbursements.
RJMC works with the company to think through Operations Improvement opportunities and can guide the implementation so that the company experiences business growth.
RJMC expertise gets the project Done on-time and with better than expected results.